CHC engages Lehigh Valley community members in opportunities to prepare for life's challenges. We deliver prevention education, life skills training, and programs that encourage healthy decision-making, positive choices, and peaceful living.
Humanistic Change is the process of developing our personal assets and strengths, and using them to make conscious, responsible choices. You can be a part of the change by supporting us. Center for Humanistic Change is grateful for donations of any amount, and below are some of the ways CHC will put your money to work within our community:
A gift of $200 will help us offer a parent night program which is designed to help parents support their children and gain insight on issues such as positive family communication and current trends in alcohol and drug use.
A gift of $350 can help provide a program series for a class of 20-30 youth, which promotes conflict resolution, anger management, respect for others, and effective communication skills.
A gift of $500 will help us provide alcohol, tobacco, and other drug education programs such as Current Drug Trends that identifies drugs commonly used in our community, and explores personal values, risk factors, and refusal skills.
A gift of $800 will help us engage employers and employees in our Heroin and Opioids in the Workplace program, complete with our interactive “Mock Teen Bedroom,” to educate adults on awareness of drugs in the home.
Leaving a Legacy ~
Making a Planned Gift to the Center for Humanistic Change
For more than four decades, CHC has provided the community with vital prevention programs and services. As society changed, we changed, planning ahead to meet the needs of future clients, children and families. Careful planning is key to success.
You can plan for the future, too. Through deferred or planned gifts, you can remember the people or places you consider important. In naming an agency to receive a planned gift, you can make what you do today touch future generations.
A planned gift is an easy way to determine during your lifetime where your assets will go – gifts to be given now or later. A bequest in your Will is one of the simplest ways to leave a lasting legacy for an organization in which you believe, and benefits both your heirs and CHC by minimizing estate taxes, supporting our programs, and strengthening our community.
Your attorney or financial advisor can assist you in planning, or we can arrange for our legal resources to guide you.
If you already included the Center for Humanistic Change in your Will, please contact the executive director at (610) 443-1595 so that we can appropriately document your kindness. Your planned gift will make a difference in CHC’s financial future, and to the people we are privileged to serve now and in years to come.
The Center for Humanistic Change is grateful for donations of any amount throughout the year.
Donate safely and securely using PayPal by selecting the donate button below. If you prefer to mail a check, please send it to:
Center for Humanistic Change
Attn: Executive Director
3400 Bath Pike, Suite 306
Bethlehem PA 18017
The Center for Humanistic Change, Inc. (CHC) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Registration and financial information about CHC may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999 or on the web at www.dos.state.pa.us. Registration does not imply endorsement.