Center for Humanistic Change, Inc. (CHC)
Our Mission:
We give people, especially youth, the knowledge and tools they need to make better-informed and more positive life choices.
The Center for Humanistic Change, Inc. (CHC), founded in 1979, traces its roots to Endeavor, a drug and alcohol treatment and prevention center founded in 1970. In 1975, Endeavor separated its treatment and prevention education divisions. Four years later, the prevention education division became an independent organization known as the Center for Humanistic Change. CHC was granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service in June 1980, which was reconfirmed in October 2016.
As the name implies, the Center for Humanistic Change believes that everyone has the potential to lead a fulfilling life. Programs are client-centered, tailored to the specific audience, and delivered in a nurturing and respectful environment. Through a highly interactive approach, participants learn, experience and gain critical coping skills.
In 2022-2023, we served 41,555 individuals through programs and services, and reached many more through other community and online activities. The Center for Humanistic Change is dedicated to the implementation of evidence-based programs and curricula as well as successful programs developed in-house. Drug and alcohol prevention programs remain a core service.
Identity Statement:
The Center for Humanistic Change prepares people to meet life's challenges. We believe that individuals equipped with knowledge and life skills are more likely to make positive, healthy choices in their lives.
We offer evidence-based and custom-designed education -- focused primarily on building resiliency and preventing substance abuse -- that gives people the knowledge and skills they need to make better choices.
We serve elementary-, middle-, and high school-aged youth; parents and educators; and employees at workplaces throughout Lehigh Valley, PA.
Although primarily school-focused, we serve people wherever they are - in schools, neighborhoods, community-based organizations, communities of faith, and worksites.
The Center for Humanistic Change delivers prevention programming for people of all ages in partnership with schools, businesses, and community organizations.